The Deadly Spawn

The Deadly Spawn - (1983) - Douglas McKeown
What the **** was that!!!!!!!!
Deadly Spawn was a film I had read a lot about in that old favorite Fangoria. I got to see the film around 1988 and loved it.
I had been warned by an American friend that it was about 'giant bits of liver with teeth'. This, I suppose, isn't far from the truth. The film surrounds that typical meteor story which holds some odd creatures intent on devouring anything in their way. The movie builds slowly but is fun and the f/x are handled well.
It all takes place around this one home in a small town in New Jersey. The aliens decide to camp out in a family's basement whilst they reproduce and eat everyone in their way. The boys who discover these lovely beings have to find a way to stop them. There really isn't a lot more to tell, but if you like fun monster movies then you'll like Deadly Spawn.
Deadly Spawn is low budget, but what it lacks in financial input it more than makes up for in fun. It will make you laugh and there are enough gratuitous moments for the gore fans.
Watch in a bath full of Tadpoles.
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