Q: The Winged Serpent

Q: The Winged Serpent – (1982) – Larry Cohen
Hello Mexico
Any aficionado of the 'B' movies will appreciate 'Q' for what it is. Do not watch this movie thinking it is going to be a high budget Hollywood blockbuster of a monster movie. Much of the acting is hammy despite a pretty good cast including Richard Rowndtree, David Carradine and Michael Moriarty. The effects are obviously low budget and the script is in places diabolical yet somehow this film is a classic Monster pic.
The underlying story is as good as any monster flick to this day and with little to work with financially, Cohen somehow pulls it off. The stunning aerial views of Manhattan, the entertainment value, Michael Moriarty's fantastic acting (so above the rest he makes the cast look awful which is a shame) and the fact that it has always stuck in my mind since I first saw it twenty-five years ago make it my favourite Cohen film.
Q centres around an out of work, in debt (to the mob) musician (Moriarty) who cannot seem to hold a job down for more than five minutes and the appearance of an ancient Mexican god brought into existance by some crazy cultists in New York City. The monster builds a little nest atop the Crysler building and flies around NY picking off unsuspecting people for lunchtime nibbles. Moriarty inadventently stumbles over the monsters nest one day and hatches ('scuse the pun) an ingenious plan to get the mob off his back. It really is brilliant and you feel sorry for Moriarty throughout the film as he plays one of cinema's best losers ever.
Watch this film in front of an Aztec alter in full high priest get-up. When your spouse walks in on you just pretend it is all part of your everyday routine and offer them a cup of tea.
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