House of 1000 Corpses

House of 1000 Corpses - (2003) - Rob Zombie
Pigs is beautiful!
I would like to start by giving a huge pat on the back to Rob Zombie, he of WhiteZombie fame. It came as a nice surprise for me that Zombie was making a film. I didn't need to be told that he wasn't making a romantic comedy or a remake of The Bridges of Madison county.
The movie is, if I am to critique it fairly, a little disjointed. This is redeemable though because it just gives it more of a sense of madness. The family portrayed are the most endearing family since the Chainsaw Massacre. I love a movie where I root for the bad guys; anti-hero's R us. It really is an homage to those '70's and 80’s flicks such as Chainsaw and Just before dawn. I would encourage anyone to watch this movie just for Captain Spaulding played by Sid Haig, he of Spider Baby fame to name one of his movies; his performance is worthy of any major loon that ever was.
The plot is engaging but starts in a conventional way. Four kids in a car need petrol and stop off at Captain Spaulding's Fried Chicken and Gas, which also has a murder/horror theme park based around a local legend, Dr. Satan. Terror ensues with lots of laughs and you really find yourself rooting for the Firefly family (Karen Black, Sid Haig, Bill Mosely, Sheri Moon Zombie, Matthew McGrory, Robert Mukes and Dennis Fimple) because they are so entertaining.
(2020 update) With the recent passing of Sid Haig, despite his long histroy of varied cinematic roles and as a great actor, Captain Spaulding will be long remembered and loved as one of Horror's most enigmatic villains.
I would advise you to see both House of 1000 corpses and Devils Rejects back to back with beer, pizza and dancing girls!! Yeeehaaaaa!!!!
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