Phantasm (1979)

Phantasm, from Don Coscarelli (sounds like he's from the godfather) is a wonderfully entertaining movie full of all those things the dark half of your mind enjoys. Killer dwarves, exhumers, deadly flying orbs of doom and enough bizarre happenings to fuel any screwed up kid’s imagination.
I love this movie (and part 2). It somehow reminds me of my childhood. I am always on the side of the bad guys so this is a fun movie because you're all gonna get it!
It follows Mike, a young boy played by Micael Baldwin, who notices that there have been strange goings ons in his home town since the arrival of the 'Tall man'. The Tall man, acting as the town embalmer and funeral director is here for a higher purpose and Mike tries to convince his older brother Jody (Bill Thornbury) and Jody's friend Reggie (Reggie Bannister) that he needs to be stopped. The film is dreamlike in places and Coscarelli always adds some humour but, he also manages to maintain an air of uneasiness throughout. Angus Scrimm is fantastic in his role as the Tall man and Reggie Banister is always entertaining. Can Mike find a way to defeat the Tall man?
Watch this film wearing a boiler suit, gas mask and holding a chainsaw. Invite you work mates. Look out for a strange cameo appearance from some star wars characters.
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